
You have to configure it in DI BackgroundJobCronFormat is the CRON for background job that checks if Maximum buffer is exceeded or has a retention expired, usually is lesser than or equal of MaximumRetentionCronFormat. MaximumRetentionCronFormat is the CRON for maximum time before to empty the queue and call the IQueueManager. MaximumBuffer is the maximum queue length before to empty the queue and call the IQueueManager.

services.AddMemoryQueue<Sample, SampleQueueManager>(x =>
        x.MaximumBuffer = 1000;
        x.MaximumRetentionCronFormat = "*/3 * * * * *";
        x.BackgroundJobCronFormat = "*/1 * * * * *";

public class SampleQueueManager : IQueueManager<Sample> 
    public Task ManageAsync(IEnumerable<Sample> items)
        return Task.CompletedTask;

For instance, in the example above you have a maximum queue length of 1000, a background job thatc checks every 1 second if there are 1000 or more items or maximum retention period of 3 seconds is expired. after the build you have to warm up

var app = builder.Build();
await app.Services.WarmUpAsync();

and inject to use it

var queue = _serviceProvider.GetService<IQueue<Sample>>()!;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    await queue.AddAsync(new Sample() { Id = i.ToString() });

In this example, after 1000 elements or 3 seconds the configured actions will be fired and the queue will be emptied.

Stack (Last In First Out)

services.AddMemoryStackQueue<Sample, SampleQueueManager>(x =>
        x.MaximumBuffer = 1000;
        x.MaximumRetentionCronFormat = "*/3 * * * * *";
        x.BackgroundJobCronFormat = "*/1 * * * * *";

Custom integration

If you want to use a distributed queue like storage queue, or event hub or service bus or event grid, you can write your own integration and configure it.

services.AddQueueIntegration<Sample, SampleQueueManager, YourQueueIntegration>(x =>
        x.MaximumBuffer = 1000;
        x.MaximumRetentionCronFormat = "*/3 * * * * *";
        x.BackgroundJobCronFormat = "*/1 * * * * *";