You have to configure it in DI
BackgroundJobCronFormat is the CRON for background job that checks if Maximum buffer is exceeded or has a retention expired, usually is lesser than or equal of MaximumRetentionCronFormat.
MaximumRetentionCronFormat is the CRON for maximum time before to empty the queue and call the IQueueManager
services.AddMemoryQueue<Sample, SampleQueueManager>(x =>
x.MaximumBuffer = 1000;
x.MaximumRetentionCronFormat = "*/3 * * * * *";
x.BackgroundJobCronFormat = "*/1 * * * * *";
public class SampleQueueManager : IQueueManager<Sample>
public Task ManageAsync(IEnumerable<Sample> items)
return Task.CompletedTask;
For instance, in the example above you have a maximum queue length of 1000, a background job thatc checks every 1 second if there are 1000 or more items or maximum retention period of 3 seconds is expired. after the build you have to warm up
var app = builder.Build();
await app.Services.WarmUpAsync();
and inject to use it
var queue = _serviceProvider.GetService<IQueue<Sample>>()!;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
await queue.AddAsync(new Sample() { Id = i.ToString() });
In this example, after 1000 elements or 3 seconds the configured actions will be fired and the queue will be emptied.
Stack (Last In First Out)
services.AddMemoryStackQueue<Sample, SampleQueueManager>(x =>
x.MaximumBuffer = 1000;
x.MaximumRetentionCronFormat = "*/3 * * * * *";
x.BackgroundJobCronFormat = "*/1 * * * * *";
Custom integration
If you want to use a distributed queue like storage queue, or event hub or service bus or event grid, you can write your own integration and configure it.
services.AddQueueIntegration<Sample, SampleQueueManager, YourQueueIntegration>(x =>
x.MaximumBuffer = 1000;
x.MaximumRetentionCronFormat = "*/3 * * * * *";
x.BackgroundJobCronFormat = "*/1 * * * * *";